ADHD Works’ Coaching
Standards & Ethics
Certified by ADHD Works
Ethical & Professional Duties
Providing a safe space with a foundation for collaboration.
Showing up reliably and punctually, maintaining confidentiality & safety.
Maintaining appropriate boundaries with clients.
Practicing ongoing self-assessment, supervision & consultation.
Referring clients to others where necessary.
Being respectful at all times to
others & self.
2. ADHD Informed
Can coach through an ‘ADHD-lens’, understanding ADHD symptoms, challenges & strengths.
Provides compassion & validates ADHD struggles.
Maintains education around ADHD, staying updated with research & development.
Identifies, explains & explores ADHD related experiences with the client.
Understands ADHD & explores how it uniquely impacts the client, tailoring coaching accordingly.
Can use, explain & interpret the ADHD Works Executive Functioning Framework in coaching.
3. Establishes trust & safety
Establishes clear agreements & realistic expectations.
Sets boundaries with client & asks for permission where needed.
Ensures client understands coaching agreements & parameters.
Validates client’s experiences & perspectives, demonstrating respect & support.
Upholds client’s agenda & wishes in structured way.
Maintains personal integrity, honesty & professionalism, encouraging open communication & feedback.
4. Engaged & Effective Communication
Communicates clearly, concisely & empathetically.
Explores client’s concerns, desires, ideas & beliefs.
Uses active listening skills to understand client’s needs & goals.
Asks open-ended, curious questions to stimulate reflection & insight.
Witnesses & validates client as they are, adapting coaching styles to the client.
Clearly sets & checks in on objectives & outcomes from sessions.
5. Results Focused
Creates self-awareness for clients, especially around ADHD.
Challenges assumptions & collaboratively explores how to move past potential blockages.
Celebrates successes & helps client to learn from setbacks.
Supports clients to set SMART actions between sessions, with non-judgement, tailored, & supportive accountability.
Helps client to maintain focus & accountability on goals.
Empowers clients to take ownership of their progress & sustain long-term changes.